A good deck building app with the new cards of Naxxramas !
A good deck building app with the new cards of Naxxramas !
Nice app, would be eve better if it had collection mngr
The best
Great app for sharing/checking out decks. If it has a deck manager it would be perfect...
Beste hearthstone App im Store!
Nice app. Biiiig advantage is sharing decks from others and filters.
Upgrade please for new cards!!!!
I looked at several similar apps but in the end chose this one for its clear display of data and reviewable saved entries. If it had some sort of battle demo like a few of the other ones it would be sheer perfection.
Does a great job at building and sharing decks. Also has the ability to track wins and loses. As long as it builds a large fan base this app has a lot of promise. I plan on using it some more soon. Keep up the good job and I love the interface. Well done!
I would love to see the app to grow and get more decks. I like the app and have very little to complain about it. Decks are solid in it and it is up to date. Keep up he good work!
The latest update nailed it for me. The sorting filters and contact info I mentioned in my last review are here, and working great! Its much faster now to scroll through and make/edit decks. Thank you so much for listening. Love the new update! Keep up the great work! :)
Nice deck builder with a clean simple interface. I subtract one point for the lack of mock arena drafts and the fact that the mulligan phase is not completely correct in its implementation. When you mulligan a card you have one copy of in your deck you cannot receive that card back after you x it out. But I have had that happen with this app. Aside from that its a great feature. The naxx cards are all here which is good, overall I love the app thanks.
I really like this app because it helps me to see how I can strategize better against my opponents. There are so many different possibilities and methods you could use and its fun to see lots of different ideas and styles of how to build your deck. Overall it has helped me see how to build and play my deck much better than before.
Great easy way to share decks to get them rated by the community and see what others are posting and getting top ratings for. What could make it 5 star: (1) the date the deck was added. Important as cards and decks evolve. A 6 month old deck may be obsolete. (2) field for description of the deck by whoever posted it. I have no idea what the intent of decks was or whether the person posting gave it real thought. Some of these are great but some are garbage. (3) not sure about the rating system - every time its added it gets a thumbs up? No thumbs down, So the higher its rating and time on the app the more people try it and boost its rating? (4) ability for people to comment on decks : more informative than the rating.
Good deck share platform, but many decks need update
Wont go past logo. Crashes 100% of the time
Very well designed and extremely helpful app for anyone that plays hearthstone. Whether youre a beginner or seasoned pro, youll find great decks to use or you can even submit your own to help others. All in all, a great app
This app is great and does what it is suppose to and more but it honestly looks terrible. This generation needs HD as a standard ahaha.
I could get past the smacked together UX, but no GvG or BRM cards make this a useless app. Update please! This could be great!
Deck sharing and making test decks is easy to do and simple with no issues. The layout is a bit too bland to me but its definitely a great way to test decks and watch card draw chances mid-game. (Slight bug with snowchugger not showing as a card. Still works if tapped on but no actual card is displayed)